Attend Club Meetings
You are invited to attend our next KAA astronomy meeting. Check out the Calendar above or click below for details.

Observing Opportunities
Local & state-wide observing events and information. Also find local astro-imaging insight and opportunites.

Explore Sky & Folklore
Before you venture outdoors, check out these videos and resources to be sure which objects are visible this month.
KAA's Susan Rolke selected as a NASA Partner Eclipse Ambassador
In an exciting new program, Undergraduate Students and Eclipse Enthusiasts have been partnered to engage their local communities.
Solar Eclipse Resources 2024
Get ready! April 8th will provide an opportunity for viewing a Total Solar Eclipse! Click for a detailed list of Solar Eclipse resources for the general public and educators. Read More »
Follow Mrs. Rolke's Airborne Astronomy Adventure
Follow KAA's own Susan Rolke, in her amazing adventure as an Airborne Astronomy Ambassador. Read her Blog »
NASA's AAA Cycle 8 Mission Patch design has been awarded to KAA's Susan Rolke
NASA’s Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors (AAA) is a professional development program for high school science teachers designed to improve science teaching and increase student learning and STEM engagement. Read More »
KAA Member Susan Rolke selected as a 2020 NASA Airborne Astronomy Ambassador
Susan Rolke, who teaches science at Conant High School, was one of 28 teachers nationwide selected to participate in the SETI Institute’s NASA Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors program, according to a news release from the institute.
Robert Taylor Receives National Astronomical League's Lunar Observing Certificate
The Keene Amateur Astronomers Club is proud to announce that Robert Taylor, Club President/Treasurer, has recently been awarded the Astronomical League's Lunar Observing Program Certificate. This is a significant achievement and, due to the observing requirements for 100 specific moon features, requires a significant time commitment.
A Club Star Party
This photo was taken at a 2014 star party at the Keene observatory with members from SoVerA, KAA, and the KSC CALL program. Photo taken by Claudio Veliz, SoVerA/KAA. View More »
Inside the observatory
This photo is a shot of the inside the observatory with members Jim Faux, Phinie Faux, and Bob Taylor. Click photo to enlarge. Browse Inside »