Monthly KAA Meeting Information
Find our next club meeting and observing event on the Calendar

*Prior to joining a remote meeting, we ask you to familarize yourself with the suggestions in this video to make the meeting rewarding and productive for yourself and the other attendees.
Contact the club Secretary for instructions on joining the remote meeting.
As the year progresses, club members focus on different visible constellations. For a quick view of today's sky, check the interactive Heaven's Above sky chart.
We do encourage you to continue to broaden your knowledge of astronomy by exploring Astronomy News and Resources, exploring the seasons constellations and club Astronomical League programs on the Sky & Folklore page, and getting outside to observe the morning and evening sky with all its wonders.
For sky viewing conditions, click on Astrospheric and for software, try SkySafari, Stellarium, or Cartes du Ciel.
Explore Sky & Folklore for more information.