KAA Meeting & Observing Calendar - 2024

The club conducts regular monthly indoor meetings. Currently, we meet Fridays for a meeting followed, weather permitting, by an observing session.

For 2024, we plan on having an informative astronomy-related presentation immediately following each KAA meeting.

We also hold monthly scheduled observing sessions at our Sullivan Observatory, which are on a month by month basis.

Our 2024 schedule is as follows:

(For updated schedule inquiries please email the Secretary).
Date Time Location
Jan. KAA meeting NONE
Feb. KAA meeting NONE
3/15 7pm KAA meeting at Phinie Faux’s
4/12 7pm KAA meeting at KSC & ZOOM
4/21 9am Work session at Sullivan Observatory
5/10 7pm KAA meeting and observing at Sullivan
6/14 7pm KAA meeting and observing at Sullivan
6/15 or 6/16 9am Work session at Sullivan Observatory
7/13 7pm KAA meeting and observing at Sullivan
8/1 - 8/4 7am Stellafane Convention - Springfield, VT
TBD 9am Adirondacks Astronomy Retreat - Lewis, NY
8/16 7pm KAA meeting and observing at Sullivan
9/2 - 9/8 9am Maine Astronomy Retreat - Washington, ME
9/13 7pm KAA meeting at KSC & ZOOM
9/14 6:30pm International Moon observing event at Ashuelot River Park
TBD 9am Acadia Night Sky Festival - Bar Harbor, ME
10/4 7pm KAA meeting at KSC & ZOOM
10/5 7pm Observing session at Sullivan Observatory
10/19 or 10/20 9am Work session at Sullivan Observatory
11/8 7pm KAA meeting at KSC & ZOOM (canceled)
11/9 7pm Observing session at Sullivan Observatory (canceled)
12/6 7pm KAA meeting at Bruce Norlund's

A printable version of the original 2024 meeting and observing calendar can be downloaded here.